Run for home
Tuesday, July 21, 2009Even if we slept late the night before the race, we woke up at 3:30 am for that big race. As usual, we had pandesal from a nearby bakeshop but didn't like their pandesal at that time so I decided to just grab some breakfast at the site.
Good thing, we arrived early at around 5am and there were a lot of food stalls so I was able to have taho and siomai. Bad thing is I ate just a few minutes before gun start so I felt like I'm about to throw up at the last km.. never would I do that again!
Anyway, this race was the most organized among all the races that I have joined. It started on time and made use of the chip technology. I really liked the timing chip, our race bibs don't need to be checked by marshals and we don't have to use the km markers (the one which is usually made of straw). It would just be better if they had posted the results on that same day.
Posted by Jenny at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: running
Weekend recap
Monday, July 20, 2009What a busy weekend! Attended a wedding on Saturday morning with H's family together with our little one. This was his first time to attend a wedding. Though I know that kids are not that ok to attend this kind of gathering, MIL told us that it's ok because it's a wedding of a close relative.
My SIL and BIL were both part of the entourage so I made myself the unofficial photographer. Too bad, SIL wasn't able to bring her SLR camera so I had to make do with my good ol' point and shoot cam.The ceremony was held at the church inside Camp Aguinaldo (I forgot the exact church's name) and reception followed at New Horizon Hotel. Here are some snapshots..

And in the afternoon we attended a house blessing of one of H's relatives. There we met a pretty little girl named Sarah and their pet dog, Cuba. Jared was a bit shy at first but after a little while he started to be so active and he played the whole time with his new friends.

Thanks for reading! have a great week ahead! :)
Posted by Jenny at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: celebrations, family
26 months
Tuesday, July 14, 2009The little one turned 26 months and here are some updates :)
...He can now recite "Angel of God" prayer but not all words are clear yet.
...He knows more colors like yellow, green, white, blue, red..
...He likes to ask questions and answer himself. For example, while holding a blue toy, he'll ask "What colour dit it (is this)?" and answer himself, "Blue!"
...He also likes to ask us questions and will commend us for answering correctly. Like this,
Jared: "Mami, anong shape ito?"
Me: "Square"
Jared: "Very good!"
...When he sees me on the computer, he likes to play "googling images". He would always say "mami, hanap ng kangaroo" and I would go to google images and search for those animals and things..
...He knows how to make drama na. He would make himself cry and then check slowly if you're looking at him! haha!
...He can walk up the stairs by placing both feet on a step and his both hands on the next step. He can't do the foot 1 at step 1 and foot 2 at step 2 yet..
Posted by Jenny at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jared, monthly progress
Monday, July 13, 2009We arrived so early at the race venue at around 4:30. This was our earliest arrival in all the races we've joined. Blame it on our misunderstanding about the exact start time. The good thing is that Cel & I had more time for chitchats and H found his college classmate to chat with.There were only three of us (Cel, H & me) who joined this race because Sandra and her cousins joined a different race on that same day, the Fit & Fun run at The Fort. I noticed that there were few participants in this race compared to the previous races we've joined. So I assumed that a lot of runners joined that other race.
There were three categories - 18K, 6K and 2K for kids. The 18K runners were the first off. We 6k runners got off a few minutes later. Yes, we joined the 6k category, no choice as there is no 5k category. Anyway, it was a challenge for me. The race started a few minutes late than scheduled maybe because of the weather but good thing the skies were clear when it officially started.
This race was very challenging because of the category being my first 6k and the course having a lot of transitions from hills to flats. So when I started to feel tired, I decided to just walk on the uphill part and run on downhills which was easier for me. I also tried to lessen my rest time or walk time as I really want to improve my PR. Luckily I clocked in at 46:33 (unofficial) which I was so proud of :) That was almost the same time I finished the 5k category at the PTAA run. Improving diba!

Posted by Jenny at 10:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: running
10 signs you're getting old
Tuesday, July 7, 20091. Your friends' status in facebook/friendster have gone from 'single' to 'married', some even uploading even their babies pictures. And your baby's photo is always on your primary photo.
2. The clothes you've put away until they come back in style... have come back in style.
3. You meet your friends from time to time, talking about the good old days, repeating again and again all funny stories you have experienced together.

4. Your idea of a night out is now the dinner-and-coffee kind.
5. Your friends are married. (and having children!)

6. You are always surprised to see small children playing comfortably with computers.
7. You rely more on your cell phone’s reminder feature than your good old memory.

8. You can relate to the series Desperate Housewives more than the Gossip Girl.
9. You know more of those nursery rhymes than the current songs playing on the radio.

10. You cannot see your feet when you are standing... haha!!

And you know you're old when you read this post, and start thinking how true all of this is... ;p
OK, these are all me :)
Posted by Jenny at 5:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: friends, me just talking
Milo Marathon
Monday, July 6, 2009We joined the 5k fun run of the 33rd National Milo Marathon. Since the run will be held at the Quirino Grandstand which is so far from our place, we decided to leave 2 hours before the run time. Luckily, we arrived a bit early at around 5am and then parked along Kalaw ave. After a little while, Nec & Mike, our Milo running mates arrived.
the love birds
It was my first time to join such a big race, or the biggest race in the country I should say. There were a lot of runners including students from various schools and universities. And being the biggest race, most of the participants walked on the first few minutes after the gun start because of the too large crowd.
hubby and me, donning the XL milo shirt (nice! haha!)
At first, hubby & I planned that we will be running together, meaning he has to slow down and run with my pace. But after reaching 1.5k, I started to feel tired and was already catching my breath so I have to pause and walk for a while. From that time, I had to alternate running and walking so I told H to just go ahead as he seemed bored with my pace. He agreed and he told me that he'll just wait for me at the finish line. After almost an hour, (or so I thought) I reached the finish line and got a certificate. I didn't find H there so I decided to just avail some of the freebies like the Nestle water and the cold milo first. 30 minutes have gone, and I still couldn't find H, Nec and Mike. I've already tried different strategies to be able to find them but still no luck so I decided to go to the parking area and just wait there. Luckily after a few minutes, H arrived, what a relief!
Anyhoo it was still fun albeit the super crowded race, the scorching heat of the sun, and the endless time I spent alone looking for my H and friends.
We had our post-run breakfast again at Mcdo, but this time it was with our married friends. Will I join again next year? I think so.. but probably it would be the 10k category na (yabang noh!)
Posted by Jenny at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: running
Thursday, July 2, 2009I had a great night out with my girlfriends last week. First, with my bestest college friends which also happened to be "May and My" birthday celebration. We met up at G5 and had dinner in Dulcinea. We had the chicken salad pasta, pesto, steak ala pobre, calamares, gambas al ajillo. The servings were pretty small and taste is just ok. Anyway, we had the usual chattering the whole time. And we ended the meal with a banana crepe which had become a topic for laughs. Oh, doann and kitine forgot to bring the gifts for the bday girls so we had to meet up again soon ;)Then a day after, I met up with my childhood friends. We were neighbors back then. We met up at a nearby mall and had dinner at Shakeys and coffee afterwards (both chosen by Andy). And as usual, we had non-stop chitchatting and picture taking. Janice is such a picture addict hehe! (and so am I) We had a whole lot of fun! Until the next one!
Posted by Jenny at 3:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: celebrations, food trip, friends
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- Jenny
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Fountain pen ink samples for sale2 years ago
Anabolik Diet lan Cara kerjane9 years ago
I'm Not That Girl10 years ago
Anti-allergy spray13 years ago
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