My dearest mom celebrated her birthday yesterday. It was held at Chinatown's BestFood resto in Banawe. It was a simple celebration with her special friends and of course her family. She said we should all wear red on that day just for good luck I think and we all did! haha! sharing some of the photos..
Mom's 60th
Monday, December 13, 2010Posted by Jenny at 9:38 PM 1 comments
Labels: celebrations
The little artist
Thursday, October 14, 2010The little one started to like drawing since he started schooling. It began with scribbles and doodles that turned to animals, houses, faces, zombies, ipod, TV and many others but his fave are the animals. When he's done with drawing I always ask him what he drew so I can label them properly. Here are some of his artwork.. :)
Posted by Jenny at 2:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: Jared
Field Trip
Sunday, September 19, 2010
My son experienced his first school field trip last week. We were all so excited about it so hubby and I decided to both come with him on this special trip. OK, this is a bit overdue again as this happened more than a week ago. I really want to be active in blogging again but couldn't really find the time.. :( ok, back to the story..
I woke up earlier than the two boys as I need to prepare our baon first. The hubby requested sandwiches so I prepared different kinds.. with all the works! Good thing he liked it! Then after a little while, H woke up and got ready. We had a hard time waking the little one up so I just changed his clothes, brought him to the car and headed to the school.

Posted by Jenny at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, Jared, kiddie places
Notes from a child
Sunday, September 5, 2010Got this from Daphne's blog and I just want to repost it as I feel that all parents and parents to be should know these things.. :)
2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it, it makes me feel secure.
3. Don't let me form bad habits. I have to rely on you to detect them in the early stages.
4. Don't make me feel smaller than I am. It only makes me behave stupidly "big".
5. Don't correct me in front of people if you can help it. I'll take much more notice if you talk quietly with me in private.
6. Don't make me feel that my mistakes are sins. It upsets my sense of values.
7. Don't protect me from consequences. I need to learn the painful way sometimes.
8. Don't be too upset when I say "I hate you". Sometimes it isn't you I hate but your power to thwart me.
9. Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. Sometimes they get me the attention I need.
10. Don't nag. If you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
11. Don't forget that I cannot explain myself as well as I should like. That is why I am not always accurate.
12. Don't put me off when I ask questions. If you do, you will find that I stop asking and seek my information elsewhere.
13. Don't be inconsistent. That completely confuses me and makes me lose faith in you.
14. Don't tell me my fears are silly. They are terribly real and you can do much to reassure me if you try to understand.
15. Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too great a shock when I discover that you are neither.
16. Don't ever think that it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm towards you.
17. Don't forget I love experimenting. I couldn't get along without it, so please put up with it.
18. Don't forget how quickly I am growing up. It must be very difficult for you to keep pace with me, but please do try.
19. Don't forget that I don't thrive without lots of love and understanding, but I don't need to tell you, do I?
20. Please keep yourself fit and healthy. I need you.
Posted by Jenny at 11:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: parenting, random bits
School Activities
Saturday, August 28, 2010My little one's sched has been uber hectic for the last two weeks because of the "Buwan ng Wika" celebration and the "Kid Scout Investiture".

Posted by Jenny at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jared
Tiktakbo 3
Friday, August 27, 2010Finally after 7 months, I was able to join a race again. It was the Tiktakbo at UP Diliman Campus with hubby, 2 sisters and SIL. It was very refreshing to run at UP after a long time. There were adequate hydrating stations at every 2km I think, lots of water and Pocari sweat. We all ran the 6k category and surprise surprise! I clocked in at 47 mins! Now I'm not so sure if it was exactly a 6k or less just because I finished at that time. Well I guess it was my body's form of encouragement for me to go back to running again :)
Posted by Jenny at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: running
1st day of school
Tuesday, June 15, 2010We all got up so early today because of the little one's first day in school. I had to get Jared up two hours before his class as it takes ages to feed him in the morning. Good thing, we did it in less than 30 minutes. He was so excited and so eager to go to school but I think I was the one who was way more excited than him :D

Posted by Jenny at 2:05 PM 2 comments
Jared's 3rd Bday
Friday, May 21, 2010

Posted by Jenny at 10:43 AM 4 comments
Labels: celebrations, family
Crazy Busy
Tuesday, April 27, 2010Things have been a little hectic for me lately. My mom was in vacation and the business work was all left to me - the number one thing that's keeping me out of the blogging world. And we've been staying at mom's home to accompany my sisters since she left for her week long vacation. And of course, I was also extra busy in tending to the little one.

Posted by Jenny at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Earth Run
Tuesday, March 30, 2010At last! We got registered on a race for next month. It's been two months since our last race and we really had no practice run in between so we are still running for 5k haha! It's been almost a year since we started running and we're still on 5k, no improvements :(
Posted by Jenny at 9:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: running
Being active again
Monday, March 29, 2010Went out to play badminton yesterday with the whole gang - SILs, MIL, hubs, and the newest member of the badminton team, Jared. It was a nice afternoon, not too sunny and a little windy. While we're on our way to the badminton court, Jared fell asleep in the car since he didn't take a nap that afternoon. So he was sleeping for almost an hour while we were all busy playing. Good thing we brought a stroller just in case he falls asleep, in that case, he did. He woke up while we're in our second set and he cheerfully cheered for us. :)

Posted by Jenny at 2:57 PM 0 comments
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- Jenny
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