My son experienced his first school field trip last week. We were all so excited about it so hubby and I decided to both come with him on this special trip. OK, this is a bit overdue again as this happened more than a week ago. I really want to be active in blogging again but couldn't really find the time.. :( ok, back to the story..
I woke up earlier than the two boys as I need to prepare our baon first. The hubby requested sandwiches so I prepared different kinds.. with all the works! Good thing he liked it! Then after a little while, H woke up and got ready. We had a hard time waking the little one up so I just changed his clothes, brought him to the car and headed to the school.
We arrived earlier than the scheduled time but there were already a lot of people - shows how excited the parents are for their kids. My son was doubly excited on this trip because aside from it being his first trip with classmates, it was his first time to ride a bus. He finds it so cool to ride the bus. It's because he hasn't experienced it by commuting. Yeah, wait till you finally try it. :)
We arrived in Ocean Adventure around 9am and started touring the place. We were divided into groups and each group has its designated guide. We went to the Discovery Aquarium first. It was a small place with few sea creatures but my son really enjoyed this place as he was not that entertained with the succeeding activities we had.

Next was the Olongapo Jones show which all about going green and saving the environment. I got a bit bored with this show but the trampoline boys are amazing. But I don't have a photo of them :(

Then we watched the Sea Lion show which was entertaining to me but not to my son. He seemed bored while watching it. And he's already hungry at this time, maybe that is why.

Next was the Dolphin show which was my favorite. I was really amazed with the show so I was only able to take a few photos. It made me think how they trained these dolphins, genius! :)

at the end of the show, here are their tails waving goodbye

The last show was the Walk on the Wild Side which features ways on how to survive in the forest. It was not at all appealing to me and by this time we were all very hungry so we decided to stop watching and headed on to the lunch area.
After having lunch, the kids went swimming and played some group games which was very entertaining for us, parents.
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